Messages from our leadership Financial highlights Our business model Our strategy Sustainability Business reviews Stakeholder engagement Financial review Our governance Downloads EN FR

Connecting the unconnected.
Including the financially excluded.
Bridging the digital divide.

By providing essential services to customers and societies across our continent, Airtel Africa is unlocking the potential for people, businesses and economies to grow.



Total customers


Sub-Saharan countries


Data customers


Airtel Money customers

Messages from our leadership


Pursuing sustainable growth enables us to fulfil our purpose of transforming lives: playing our part in addressing the challenges faced by millions of people who still lack access to connectivity, data and financial services We are committed to contributing towards the wider transformation of economies to drive sustainable growth and development.


Sunil Bharti Mittal



The more we serve, the more we succeed. By delivering our strategy and growing our business, we’re part of the process of sustainable development. That’s what we mean by transforming lives.


Olusegun Ogunsanya

Chief executive officer

A message from our chief executive officer

Financial highlights

We operate in 14 dynamic, underpenetrated markets where strong demand drives our continued profitable growth.




Reported currency +11.5% / Constant currency +17.6%
Underlying EBITDA


Reported currency +11.4% / Constant currency +17.3%
Operating profit


Profit after tax




Basic earnings per share

0.7 cents


Growth percentages are in reported currency

Read about our performance

Our business model

Our dynamic business model is underpinned by our sustainability strategy and delivers value to stakeholders while transforming lives through digitalisation and financial inclusion

An efficient network and business structure in 14 markets across sub-Saharan Africa, which we continually improve through innovation

Delivering outstanding services and products, always aiming for best-in-class

Through a unique distribution network that is close to our customers

Offering simple, digitalised customer journeys and competitive pricing

To reach: 140 million total customers

54.6 data customers

31.5 Airtel Money customers

Creating value for:
Our customers
Our economies
Our people
Our communities
Our shareholders


Our strategy

Our ‘Win with’ strategy is designed to deliver long-term value for all our stakeholders, and is underpinned by the detailed framework of environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives in our sustainability strategy.


Airtel Strategy

Airtel Strategy



Read about our strategy


Our sustainability strategy framework and long-term goals underpin our business strategy and ensure that our corporate purpose of transforming lives is at the heart of everything we do.

Pillar 1

Our business

Our ambition is to increase digital inclusion in Africa through the expansion and increased reliability of our network. This will provide the connectivity to contribute to the economic growth of individuals, families, communities and nations across the continent.

Pillar 2
Our people

Our ongoing commitment is to provide rewarding employment opportunities and to achieve genuine diversity and inclusion at all levels across the business. This goes to the core of who we are.


Pillar 3

Our community

Our ambition is to drive digital and financial inclusion and access to education for people and communities across Africa through the provision of data and mobile services underpinned by our network expansion. This is vital to the positive transformation of lives across Africa.

Pillar 4
Our environment

Our ambition is to address and minimise the impact of our operations on the environment. This is critical for the world in which we live.





Business reviews

The significant growth in our mobile money business has meant we’ve evolved our organisational structure. From April 2022, we report on mobile money as a new operating and reportable segment, while continuing to report segmental performance for mobile services in Nigeria, East Africa and Francophone Africa.

Mobile services

Meeting the demand for connection, through excellent execution



Underlying EBITDA


Nigeria – mobile services

Investing in the future of Nigeria’s digital economy





East Africa – mobile services

Unlocking digital benefits for customers, communities and our business



Underlying EBITDA


Francophone Africa – mobile services

Data usage driving our growth, while closing the digital divide





Mobile money

Bridging the financial divide and fostering commerce





Our stakeholders

We’re a business based on connecting people. Engaging with our stakeholders helps us build the shared understanding and mutual, long-lasting value that underpins our purpose of transforming lives. That enables us, and those around us, to thrive.

Our customers
More than 140 million customers across Africa use our data, voice and mobile money services to connect, live and work.

Our people

Listening to our people helps us make Airtel Africa a great place to work for all our employees in 17 countries.

Our communities

With operations in 14 African countries, we live and work closely with our communities – doing all we can to support their needs and create positive change.

Partners and suppliers
We work with more than 2,600 suppliers across Africa, including mobile brands, IT companies and telecoms infrastructure providers – with the top 100 suppliers accounting for just over 88% of our procurements.

Governments and regulators

We engage closely with governments and regulators in all our markets, supporting their ambitions for digital and financial inclusion while working to create a viable business environment in which we can create shared value.

Through their investments, our shareholders enable us to deliver our strategy and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

Financial review

A resilient business, delivering on growth opportunities while managing macroeconomic volatility

We have delivered a strong set of results which demonstrate the resilience of our business model and the effective execution of our strategy across all our regions, with double digit reported currency revenue growth of 11.5% despite inflationary pressures and currency devaluation in most of our markets. Underlying EBITDA grew by 11.4% in reported currency, while we maintained our underlying EBITDA margin despite significant inflationary cost pressures. We were also able to return considerable value from various OpCos, including Nigeria, where the year saw challenges in the availability of US dollars.


We continue to drive our strategy to enrich the lives of our customers, while delivering sustained double digit revenue growth and resilient underlying EBITDA margin despite inflationary pressures and currency devaluations. Our operating profit is up by 14.5%


Jaideep Paul

Chief financial officer

Our governance

Acting with purpose, underpinned by strong governance

Our Board and executive leadership

We are committed to applying the highest standards of corporate governance, recognising that robust governance and culture underpin business success.

Our leadership

There is a clear division of responsibilities between our chair, who leads the Board, and our CEO, who leads the business. You can read more about the responsibilities of our Board, chair, CEO, senior independent director and company secretary on our website.

Committee reports

We have five main governance committees: Audit and Risk, Remuneration, Nominations, Sustainability, and Market Disclosure. Each committee has written terms of reference which are available on our website.

Our compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code

With each year that passes post listing, the UK Corporate Governance Code becomes even more embedded in how we think and act at Airtel Africa.


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